
Regular Encourager is a side project I started to help people with Attention Deficit Disorder and also Anxiety/Depression ADHD/ADD. It has 3 parts: 1) Quotes - Encouraging and positive quotes sent at periodic intervals to lower depression and anxiety. 2) Take A Break - Tells useer to take a study break and then alerts them to come back to work. This is important for people with ADD/ADHD because they need breaks but they can also go off on very long breaks and never come back. As a result, little progress is made and they get discouraged. 3) Healthy Habits - at appropriate times during the day or week, gives the person a healthy habit to pick from to perform. For instance: Yoga stretches, drink water, exercise, meditate, household chore.

It is in development state and I plan to make it fully functional and also to put it in the cloud.

```# regular-encourager ——–startup————

wsl minikube start –driver=docker –cni=calico kubectl config view kubectl config use-context minikube kubectl config set-context –current –namespace=default

——– regular encourager commands———-

docker build -t encourage:1.0.0 . $ docker tag encourage:1.0.0 1dropaflame/encourage:1.0.0 $ docker push 1dropaflame/encourage:1.0.0 $ k delete pod regular-encourager $ k run regular-encourager –image=1dropaflame/encourage:1.0.0 $ k get pods -A $ k exec -it pod/regular-encourager – bash root@regular-encourager:/app# curl http://localhost:8080/quote?mood=depressed

$ kubectl get –watch pods

$ k expose deployment/regular-encourager –type=”NodePort” –port 8080

$ kubectl describe services/regular-encourager

XXXXXXXXexport NODE_PORT=$(kubectl get deployment/regular-encourager -o go-template=’’) echo NODE_PORT=$NODE_PORT

$ kubectl get pods -l app=regular-encourager

$ kubectl get services -l app=regular-encourager

$ export POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pods -o go-template –template ‘\n’)

$ k delete pod kubernetes-bootcamp-5485cc6795-tjsbw –now

$ kubectl get pods -l version=0.0.1

$ kubectl label pods regular-encourager-f796dfd-h9czq version=0.0.1 –overwrite

kubectl get rs

$ k scale deployment/regular-encourager –replicas=4

$ k describe service regular-encourager

export NODE_PORT=$(kubectl get services/regular-encourager -o go-template=’’) echo NODE_PORT=$NODE_PORT

$ k set image deployments/regular-encourager encourage=1dropaflame/encourage:1.0.2

$ kubectl rollout status deployment regular-encourager

$ k set env deploy regular-encourager GREETING_FROM_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE=HOLA!

  - name: config-volume
    mountPath: /etc/config   volumes:
- name: config-volume
    # Provide the name of the ConfigMap containing the files you want
    # to add to the container
    name: special-config
